Updated July 1, 2021

 These conditions are aimed at defining on the one hand the conditions of use of the Internet site at www.pietrobrunelli.it  ("THE Site"), e-commerce site, applicable to any visit to the site and, from 'other, the contractual scope of the distance sale of goods (hereinafter also referred to as "products") to the consumer who purchases products of our company and / or asks to take advantage of an offer or an advantage offered on the Site by BRUNELLI & CO SRL. 

For any information or question, our CUSTOMER SERVICE is at your disposal via email or by phone: 02 49539790 from Monday to Friday from 10.00 - 13.00 and from 14.00 - 18.00 (cost of a local call without surcharge from a landline, variable depending on the operator)
By mail:
Customer Service
San Babila Gallery 4B
20122 Milan
We will respond as soon as possible.


Acceptance of the terms of use
Visiting the Site implies that the Internet user has accepted these terms of use.

Respect for intellectual property rights

 The brands and other intellectual property rights inherent to the content of the Site and to any distinctive PIETRO BRUNELLI are proprietary rights of BRUNELLI &  CO SRL and / or, in the case of partner brands, the related entities.
 In this case, the PIETRO BRUNELLI nominative and semi-figurative trademarks are trademarks registered by BRUNELLI & CO SRL and are protected by trademark law.
 Intellectual property rights on trademarks, logos, the name of a product or a collection, graphics, designs, models, product creation and all elements of the Site, whether visual or sound , including the basic technology, the branching and the related compilation, as well as each of the elements created appearing on the Site or created for this Site are the exclusive property of BRUNELLI & CO SRL or, if applicable, its suppliers and the same and they do not grant any license, nor any other right other than that of consulting the Site.
 The reproduction of any document published on the Site is authorized only for information purposes for personal and private use, any full or partial reproduction of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited without the prior written authorization of BRUNELLI & CO SRL.
 Consequently, any reproduction and / or representation without the prior written agreement of BRUNELLI & CO SRL or the entity concerned will constitute a counterfeit and will be prosecuted and sanctioned in accordance with trademark law and copyright protection.
 Respect for the rights of others 
 When using the internet, any visitor to PIETRO BRUNELLI's website or official pages on social networks must adopt a behavior that respects the rights of third parties and BRUNELLI &  CO SRL.

Free text area

In this case, it is forbidden for Internet users to write any injurious, racist, discriminatory message, which offends the bad habit or which vehicles violence in any way, or which damages the reputation or image of a person, in the text areas free of the Site and / or on the official PIETRO BRUNELLI pages of social networks, including in this case Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, under penalty of their responsibility.

Creating a hypertext link

 Any creation of a simple hypertext link to the home page of the Site or to any other page of the Site is subject to the prior written agreement of BRUNELLI & CO SRL, under penalty of the responsibility of the Internet user who creates a link to the Site.
On the other hand, any hypertext link that refers to the Site through the so-called "framing" or "inline linking" technique is formally prohibited.
 In any case, any connection, even if tacitly authorized, must be removed at the simple request of BRUNELLI & CO SRL.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL releases all responsibility in the event that the content of sites, other than the Site, to which hypertext links may be sent, contravenes the laws and regulations in force.

Internet security and liability

 As an Internet user, the visitor of the Site and / or the Buyer declare that they know the risks and contingencies of the Internet and in this case its functional characteristics and technical performance, the risks of interruption, the response times to consult, query or transfer information, the risks, in this case of data transfer, despite the security measures that BRUNELLI & CO SRL endeavors to take.
 The Site www.pietrobrunelli.it  is a protected site. A protected site is recognized by the htpps indication that precedes the site address and confirms that it is an official site. The "s" added to the usual http means "protected" (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). The symbol of a key or a closed padlock also appears in the address bar of the e-commerce site. BRUNELLI & CO SRL recommends visitors and / or customers of the Site to take care to check that the address of the site to which they connect actually presents these indications, in order to be sure that they are on the official site  www.pietrobrunelli .it
It is up to any Internet user to take measures to protect the data and / or software stored in their computer devices from any attack, by making all necessary or useful prints, records and virus detection analyzes.
 In this case, due to the Internet communication technique, BRUNELLI & CO SRL must decline any responsibility in the case of:
 Any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party that cannot be attributed to BRUNELLI & CO SRL, which may have led to a change in the information made available on the Site;
more generally, for all damages, direct or indirect, material or immaterial, such as operating losses, loss of profits, loss of enjoyment, for any cause, origin, nature or consequence, caused by access to an unauthorized person to the Site or the impossibility to access it following the interruption, suspension or malfunction, and more generally of the connection and / or use of the Site.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL declines all responsibility for the consequences of a malicious act caused by a third party and having been able to modify the content of the Site, when BRUNELLI & CO SRL has worked to take adequate protections with respect to technology and the evolution of techniques.

Information on the protection of personal data

 In accordance with European legislation (GDPR) and Italian law, the user has the rights of access, rectification, deletion, cancellation, rights to portability and to oppose the processing or transmission of data to partners concerning him, which he can exercise in this case by sending a letter to the following address: BRUNELLI &  CO SRL, Customer Service, Galleria San Babila 4B, 20122 Milan, reporting your data (surname, first name, address) and, if possible, the order number.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted by e-mail at info@studiobrunelli.it
The user has the right to appeal to the CNIL.
 Finally, BRUNELLI & CO SRL may have to communicate personal information to its business partners.
 It will thus be possible to receive commercial offers from other advertisers. For this reason, except for the user's opposition, which can be exercised in the collection form and subsequently at any time, the user's postal addresses may be communicated to the commercial partners of BRUNELLI & CO SRL.
The e-mail address communicated by the user may be communicated to our partners only with his consent. In any case, the user has the possibility to withdraw his consent at any time or to oppose the communication or processing.
Other personal information can be collected and processed.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL may need to process the personal data concerning the user, necessary for the execution of the sales contract or the processing of his data and rights or to satisfy a legal obligation, as well as the data useful in the legitimate interest that is to serve better the user, to ensure the commercial success of commercial offers and to diversify them, making the user enjoy advantages and targeted and personalized advertising.
Some user data can be collected and processed only with your express consent.
Visitors to the Site and Buyers are invited to take note of our Privacy policy and on data protection cookies.

Some web pages Site may contain electronic images or "web tags", which allow in this case to count the number of visitors to the page. These web tags can be used with some of our partners, in this case to measure and improve the effectiveness of some advertisements. In any case, the information obtained through these tags is strictly anonymous and simply allows you to gather statistics on the attendance of certain pages of the Site and this to better serve the customers of our Site.

Absence of effect of a possible tolerance

 The fact of not making use at a given moment of any of these provisions of the General Conditions of Sale and Use, cannot be interpreted as having the value of renunciation of BRUNELLI & CO SRL to make further use of any of these conditions. 

The general conditions of sale and use are written in Italian. In the event of any discrepancies between the Italian text and the translation into another language, the Italian text will prevail over the translation into any other language.

Sale on the Consumer Site
 The general conditions of sale are concluded between the company BRUNELLI &  CO SRL with a capital of 30,000 euros, an Italian company registered in the Milan Business Register with the number MI1704316, identified with the VAT number 03817060969 and whose registered office is in Galleria San Babila 4B, 20122 Milan, hereinafter called "BRUNELLI & CO SRL" or "PIETRO BRUNELLI" and, on the other hand, any natural person who does not act as a trader, but as a consumer, wishing to make a purchase through the Site, for non-professional use, referred to here hereinafter "the Buyer", to regulate the contractual relationship.
Orders from professionals or persons considered as such are therefore excluded, and cannot be served, especially if the order exceeds the normal needs of a consumer or falls within an anomalous flow of orders to the same billing address or delivery.
Some offers can be conveyed through affiliate platforms to our company or through commercial partners, who do not sell the products but refer to the Site where the Buyer can safely take advantage of the offers without an intermediary.
 It is forbidden to purchase the items offered on the Site or ask to take advantage of gifts or advantages offered in support of our offers, in order to resell them as new, in this case on websites and / or in shops unrelated to BRUNELLI & CO SRL and / or in the markets.
 Any violation of this prohibition is such as to constitute an attack on the rights of BRUNELLI &  CO SRL, in this case the attack on its brands, including PIETRO BRUNELLI, and on the brand image of the company, as well as on its copyrights on the goods, on the collection names and on the creations and is such as to engage the responsibility of the its author.
 These general conditions of sale are available to any consumer and can be read or printed before confirming any order at BRUNELLI & CO SRL and at any time.
Any consumer order is governed by the conditions in force on the date of the order confirmation.

Acceptance of conditions

The Buyer acknowledges having read these general conditions of sale before confirming the order.
 Confirming an order on the Site implies the full adhesion of the consumer who declares to accept them entirely and without reservations to govern the contractual relations between BRUNELLI & CO SRL and its Buyer customer.
By mutual agreement between both parties, they will prevail over any other condition appearing in any other document, except with prior express and written derogation.

Ability to contract and orders of minors

Non-emancipated minors cannot order without the prior agreement of a parent or their legal representative.
 Personal data concerning a minor: in accordance with European legislation, BRUNELLI & CO SRL cannot process and record the personal information of a child under 16. The processing is lawful only if the consent is given jointly by the minor concerned and by the holder or holders of the parental authority of the minor.
Consequently,  BRUNELLI & CO SRL  does not accept orders confirmed by a child under the age of 16.
If despite all the care and precautions taken,  BRUNELLI & CO SRL  records the data of minors, by mistake or by deception of the minor who would not have correctly informed about his age, the data of the minor will be deleted upon receipt of the order and / or information.

For each order, the acceptance of the prices and descriptions of the products offered for sale is valid.
Automatic registration systems are considered as having proof of the nature, content and date of the order.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL confirms the acceptance of the order to the Purchaser at the e-mail address communicated by the latter. The sale will be concluded only from the confirmation of the order and from the validation of the payment by the relevant banking organization.
 The information stated by the Purchaser, during the order, binds him: in the event of an error in indicating the address of the recipient BRUNELLI & CO SRL cannot be held responsible for the impossibility in which it may find itself to deliver the product.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL reserves the right to cancel any order from a Buyer with whom there was a dispute over the payment of a previous order. 


Product availability

The availability of the products indicated on the site refers to the actual availability at the time the Buyer places the order. However, this availability must be considered indicative due to the potential presence on the site of various users who proceed simultaneously with a purchase deed, so that the products in stock can also be sold to other Buyer customers between the time of the order and the confirmation of the order itself.
 When one or more products object of an order are not available for reasons beyond the control of BRUNELLI & CO SRL, the order will be modified with the removal of the unavailable product or products. The customer will be informed by e-mail and will be reimbursed.

Promotional offers can be proposed for the duration indicated in the offer and within the limit of available stocks.
As for offers in a category or series of products, only the products and colors in that category can take advantage of the promotion.
 The Buyer is not authorized under any circumstances, on his own initiative, to modify, alter or introduce a product price other than the one proposed by BRUNELLI & CO SRL for a purchase on the Site.
You can consult the current offers on the home page of the site


 Every order sent by a consumer to BRUNELLI & CO SRL implies acceptance of the sale prices of the items shown on the Site when the Buyer confirms the order. The prices applicable to the products ordered are those in force on the date the order is confirmed on the Site.
The sale price is the price of the current general price list ("General price list") or if the product chosen on the Site is in promotion, the promotional price for the duration of the offer itself.
The price is expressed in euros and is indicated in the Product Sheet, inclusive of taxes, including VAT based on the applicable rate for a sale destined for the European Union. For a delivery outside the European Union, the prices are indicated at the time the order is validated, with the amount excluding taxes. The price may be changed at the time of validation of the order, to take into account the tax rate of the country of destination charged to the Buyer.
The price indicated in the product sheets does not include transport. Delivery costs are specified in the cart screen, and are then added to the total to be paid before the order is validated, after choosing a delivery method from those proposed.
The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price, expressed inclusive of taxes. The final price includes the price of the products, the handling, packaging and storage costs of the products and the transport costs.
Any change in the applicable VAT rate may be reported on the prices of the products.
Similarly, if one or more taxes or contributions, in the environmental case, are created or modified, up or down, this change may affect the sale price of the items on the site and in the sales documents.
However, the prices cannot be changed after the Buyer's order has been validated.
The prices of the items ordered on the site are valid according to the references of the catalog from which they come and the date indicated in the relative catalog.

Price reduction announcements
The advantages and price reductions are calculated on the basis of the general annual price list which constitutes the reference price.

Description of the order forwarding on the Site
By placing the order we mean the set of actions that the user performs from the choice of products to the final validation of the order, so that it is registered.
It is made up of various stages:
Cart / Address (account data) / Delivery methods / Payment
Registration involves confirmation of the order.
- First Phase: the choice of products («Cart»)
The user chooses the desired items to order them; at any time you can see the cart by clicking on "cart" at the top of the page and access the methods and costs of handling and delivery costs.
At the time of choice, the user is sent to see the description of the items in the product sheet.
- Second Phase: order validation
In the cart validation stage, the order total indicates the amount that must be paid if no other products are added.
At any time before the final validation of the order, you can change or add other products or terminate the order itself.
In accordance with legislation, the user is reminded that the validation of the order obliges him to pay for purchases. When validating the order, the user undertakes to pay according to the methods chosen in the subsequent stages to arrive at the end of the order process.
- Third Phase: identification and account opening
At this stage, the user creates a personal account or identifies himself if he has one.
Creating an account is recommended because it avoids the user having to enter the personal data necessary for processing the order each time they visit the Site.
It is important to indicate the telephone number, address and e-mail address (e-mail) to allow customer service to contact the user if necessary.
- Fourth Phase: the choice of delivery and payment methods
The user selects the delivery method from those proposed according to the place of delivery and the payment method.
The amount of the participation in the costs of processing and sending or delivering the order is added to the order total or is offered depending on the order total (in this case the costs are displayed with the amount equal to zero).
The user is asked to validate the order: "CONFIRM ORDER".
- Fifth Phase: payment of the order
The user is asked to proceed with the payment of the order ("PAY Secure payment"), depending on the choice made.
 If you choose a credit card payment after validating the order, the user will be forwarded to the secure payment page of the e-commerce service provider chosen by BRUNELLI & CO SRL for the security of payments on the Internet.
The order will then be registered.

The order confirmation
The accepted order involves the confirmation of the order by sending an email after the registration of the order.
As soon as the order is registered on the Site, a detailed receipt valid as order confirmation will be automatically sent to the user at the e-mail address. This order confirmation will specify the invoiced amount and the order delivery methods.
 Return receipts sent automatically to the customer are valid as acceptance of the order only after further verification by the BRUNELLI & customer service; CO SRL of compliance of the order with the offer.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL reserves the right to cancel a non-compliant order.
The order confirmation is accompanied by the communication of the general conditions in force on the date of the order.

The account

The user can create his customer space without having to place an order.
From the account, the user can check orders and billing.
To create an account, the buyer must accept the cookies necessary to recognize the account and identifiers which are personal data.
When creating the account and thus joining, the user is asked to enter an e-mail address and to choose a password that will authorize access to the account. The Account will be protected by the chosen password. For greater security, the user is encouraged to use complex passwords (which involve upper and lower case letters and numbers at the same time).
Only one account will be assigned per email address.
It is however necessary not to communicate it to anyone else; we can never be held responsible in the event of fraudulent use of the user's password and e-mail address by a third party.

Change password :
If the user loses and / or forgets his password, he can click on "Forgot your password?", so that he will be sent an & nbsp; email to reset it to the e-mail address communicated when creating the account.

Change your delivery or billing information
After identifying, the user can log into the account and click on "Edit addresses". You can thus change the delivery or billing data:
Confidentiality of personal data
The insertion of personal information collected to conclude or execute the remote sales contract is mandatory, this information is in fact essential for the processing and forwarding of orders, for the drafting of invoices, for the exercise of guarantees, for the management and collection of outstanding payments, as well as to exercise one's rights.
Failure to enter will result in failure to validate the order.
Other personal information can be collected and processed. Visitors to the Site and Buyers are invited to take note of our Privacy and Cookies Policy on data protection.

The shipping costs that BRUNELLI & CO SRL pays to the service provider or shipper are included in the lump sum amount for handling and delivery costs charged to the Buyer. See shipping times and costs on the dedicated page by clicking on this link.

Orders are processed and shipped within the following business day .

Shipping and delivery times may be delayed in the event of exceptional events. Shipping to Sardinia, Sicily, islands and disadvantaged areas or with particular taxation may require longer delivery times. 

Any order confirmed on the site and delivered outside the European Union may be subject to any taxes and customs duties which are imposed when the package reaches its destination.
These customs duties and any taxes related to the delivery of an item are the responsibility of the customer and are his responsibility. To find out about them, it is up to the customer to inquire with the competent authorities of his country.

Shipping and delivery terms may be delayed in the event of an exceptional event.
 Once the announced shipping terms have elapsed, the user may cancel the order by letter or by any writing on another durable medium, if BRUNELLI & CO SRL did not proceed. The contract will be considered terminated upon receipt of the letter or writing informing of such termination, unless the user has received the delivery in the meantime and agrees to keep the items received.
However, in accordance with the law, the user has the possibility, as a consumer, to immediately terminate the contract, if the delivery date or deadline has constituted an essential condition of the contract for the user resulting from the circumstances of the conclusion of the contract or by an express request of the user before the conclusion of the contract itself. In the event of termination, all sums paid will be refunded to the user within fourteen days following the date on which the contract was terminated.

 The delivery service provider will deliver the order to the address that the Purchaser has provided to BRUNELLI & CO SRL.
 In the event that the Customer does not collect the package within the maximum deadline set by the shipper he has chosen, the package will be returned to BRUNELLI & CO SRL. In this case, except if the Buyer has come to BRUNELLI & CO SRL for a new shipment at its expense, the order will be canceled and refunded (except for transport costs). In the event of an anomalous delivery term or loss of the ordered products, the customer is invited to inform BRUNELLI & CO SRL which will open an investigation with its service providers.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL advises Buyers to always check packages upon arrival.
 We remind you that BRUNELLI &  CO SRL has a term of 3 days (excluding holidays) to make any reservations by registered letter to the carrier in case of lack or damage. This implies that the Buyer must inform Brunelli &  Co immediately of any anomaly or lack eventually found upon receipt of the package.
 If the ordered products are stored in different warehouses BRUNELLI & CO SRL reserves the right to divide the order into multiple shipments. 
 When BRUNELLI & CO SRL proceeds with the partial shipment of an order, the missing item (s) will be refunded, except for the Buyer's agreement for an extension of the deadline.

The customer has a legal right of withdrawal of 14 days from the date of receipt of the order.
By way of this right of withdrawal, the customer can then decide to return unwanted products by filling out the form on the returns portal or by requesting it via email to customer service, as reported in the return conditions . After informing the exercise of the right or printing the return label, the user has 14 days to leave the package at the selected forwarder or book the collection at the shipping address provided at the time of purchase.
This right of return, however, is only valid to the extent that the customer has tried the Product reasonably (e.g. to see the size, appearance, style, comfort, etc.) and the article there has been returned complete, intact, with the original packaging and in perfect condition.
 When exercising the right of withdrawal, the Buyer is refunded the total amount of the returned products, excluding delivery costs.  The shipping costs for the return are charged to the customer and amount to   7,90 for domestic returns and € 16.90 for international returns, the amount will be deducted from the total refund. The refund is made using the same payment method as that used by the Buyer for the initial transaction where possible. The customer can receive a voucher of equal value (valid for 12 months) if he has accepted the offer, or a bank transfer.
If you paid by credit card, the card will be credited directly with the amount; if he has used a gift card or a non-refundable purchase voucher, the customer will receive a gift card or a good purchase of an amount and duration equivalent to that used.
 In this case, the buyer is required to use the return label provided by BRUNELLI &  CO SRL. Any shipment made by the buyer without having contacted BRUNELLI & CO SRL will not be refunded.
The article (s) on which the right of withdrawal is exercised must be returned new inside the original packaging (s) or with such packaging, if they have been removed from the packaging, intact, with any accessories , instructions for use and documentation.
The customer must connect to the  returns portal and fill in the appropriate form specifying the reason for the replacement of the / the product (s) and the quantity to be returned. The customer will receive the return label and instructions via email within 2-3 working days.

In accordance with the law, a devaluation may be applied to the price to be refunded in the event of non-compliant use or beyond what is reasonable.
 BRUNELLI &  CO SRL checks the returned products. The refund is postponed to the justification of the proof of the return and / or receipt of the product.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL reserves the right to refuse a package returned after the deadline and to return it to the customer at his expense.

The customer loses the advantages and discounts (for example free shipping for orders over 120 €) that were eventually granted to him in the event that these advantages and discounts were not applicable to the value of the order net of the return.

For reasons of hygiene and health, the return of slip or body that have been tried on and of stockings and tights will not be accepted if the package has been opened. & nbsp; The customer does not have the right of withdrawal for articles of linen and bathing suits that have been used.

The customer can choose between various payment methods. You can pay for the order by credit card, cash on delivery, Paypal or by bank transfer.

Secure payment by credit card
Payment by credit card is done with our secure payment service provider. The transaction amount will be charged within 48 hours of making the payment. The accepted online payment methods are:
 Visa / Mastercard / American Express / Maestro
 The transaction data with a bank validation server is encrypted. BRUNELLI &  CO SRL uses only encryption protocols deemed safe. The Buyer's data never circulate in clear text. The Buyer enters the credit card number, the cryptogram and the expiration date of the card used on a secure page of our service provider. The payment request is transmitted and forwarded in real time. The secure payment service provider carries out various checks to avoid abuse and fraud.
 Bank details are used only for the purpose of carrying out the transaction. BRUNELLI & CO SRL does not have access to the Buyer's card identifiers, only the bank has access to them via the secure platform.
The order validated by the Buyer will be considered effective only when the relevant bank payment center has given its agreement. In case of refusal of acceptance, the order will be canceled automatically and the Buyer will be notified by e-mail.
In accordance with current legislation on electronic signature, the online transmission of the card number for the validation of the order is valid as proof of the order and makes the sums that the Purchaser has undertaken to pay for said order payable.

Through Paypal
The Buyer can pay for purchases through the PAYPAL online payment service. All they need to do is create a PAYPAL account. In PAYPAL, you can also pay without creating an account with Visa, MasterCard cards.
Fight against fraud
Credit card payments can be checked using the 3D Secure protocol.

Besides Paypal, the following online payment methods are accepted:
Bancontact / ShopPay / Apple Pay & nbsp;

Payment dispute

 On the other hand, BRUNELLI &  CO SRL reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer who was not up to date with payments or with whom there was an unresolved dispute over the payment of a previous order for a legitimate reason concerning the anomalous nature of the order or a irregular payment arrangements.
 If a problem is detected, BRUNELLI & CO SRL will have the right to block the buyer's order until the problem is resolved.

Retention of title clause
For express convenience, In any case, Brunelli & Co SRL retains ownership of the items delivered until full payment of the order by the buyer 

The development of our articles requires a rigorous selection of materials and the utmost care for the finishing. All products are manufactured and distributed in compliance with current Italian legislation.
 If despite all the precautions taken by BRUNELLI & CO SRL, an article was delivered damaged or incomplete or if a defect is found, BRUNELLI & CO SRL undertakes to replace or refund it. Just call our Customer Service on 02 49539790 (cost of a local call without surcharge from a landline phone varies depending on the operator) and return the item.

Liability - Force majeure
 In accordance with the law, BRUNELLI & CO SRL cannot be held responsible for the failure or poor execution of the contract, wholly or partially attributable to, or to the Buyer, or to an unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party of the contract, or to a case of force majeure.
 In the presence of an event that constitutes force majeure, BRUNELLI & CO SRL will notify the Buyer as soon as possible.
 The Parties agree that they will have to undertake within the shortest time limits to jointly determine the methods of execution of the order for the duration of the case of force majeure. Beyond the term of ONE (1) month of interruption due to force majeure, BRUNELLI &  CO SRL may not process the order, it will be responsible for the refund of the Buyer.

Updating and modification of the general conditions of sale
 The present conditions are applied for the whole time of putting on line of the products presented for sale by BRUNELLI & CO SRL.
 BRUNELLI & CO SRL does its best to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information disclosed on the Site. However, given the volume of information processed and despite all its attention and vigilance, BRUNELLI & CO SRL cannot guarantee the accuracy and / or completeness of all the information made available on the Site and any insertion or technical errors, which may have occurred at the time of going online, are corrected as soon as they are identified.
 If further information is required or if anomalies are found, please inform Customer Service by sending a message to the address indicated above. On the other hand, taking into account the possible evolutions, BRUNELLI & CO SRL reserves the right to adapt or modify these general conditions of sale at any time. The new general conditions of sale will be brought to the attention of the visitors of the Site and of our customers through online publication on the Site. The updated or modified conditions will be applicable only to sales made after the modification.

In the event that one of the clauses of this contract is void and has not occurred due to a change in legislation, regulation or judicial decision, this will in no case impact the validity and compliance with these general conditions of sale, which must be respected for the remainder, the canceled clause or become inapplicable must be replaced in full by a clause with similar purposes.

Integrity of the contract
These general conditions of sale and the summary of the order sent to the Buyer form a contractual whole and constitute the entirety of the contractual relations between the Parties.
In case of contradiction between these documents, the general conditions of sale will prevail.

Storage and archiving of orders
The archiving of orders is carried out on a reliable and durable support, in order to correspond to a faithful and lasting copy.

Amicable Resolution of Disputes and Mediation
Complaints or disputes will always be received with benevolence , the good faith of the one who exposes a situation or one's complaints is always presumed. In the event of a dispute, the Buyer will contact BRUNELLI & CO SRL to obtain an amicable solution.
In case of difficulty in the application of this contract, the Buyer has the possibility, before any legal action, to seek an amicable solution at a professional trade association, a consumer association or any other lawyer of his choice.
We remind you that the search for an amicable solution does not interrupt the terms of implementation of the legal guarantees.
This amicable termination clause has no mandatory effect. This is only a possibility as some disputes require you to react urgently, using any legal means.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
 This Site is created by BRUNELLI & CO SRL, a company governed by Italian law and subject to the Italian legislation on sales and information and consumer protection.
The contract is subject to Italian law. The language of this contract is Italian.
Failing this, the competent court in the event of a dispute will be that of the place of the defendant's domicile or, at the choice of the defendant, of the place of actual delivery of the product.